奈義町現代美術館 Nagi Town Museum of Comtenporary Art
Koichiro Tokumochi
2001. Sept.2.Sun〜16 .Sun
--two works are standing outside of the museum
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会場全景exhibited space
homeless people in Pensilbenia Station 1989
せめて今日の糧を この光景を見て、彼等に作らされた作品 drawing in Vietnam(Fue)
a young girl with handicaped brother
作品と影の関係 works have shadows
Message from Eddie Gomez
THE ARTistic Expression MR. Tokumochi
displays is dynamic, iNTelligenT, and
deeply human. His ART Touches The
hearT and soul Like All greaT Music,
Dance Litereture, and Film.
MR. Tokumochi's ART is To be Tasted,
Savored, and Enjoyed slowly. IT is
A Reflection of Life.